MHA-NYC’s New President, Kimberly Williams
With change comes opportunity.
In January, I took on the amazing role of serving MHA-NYC’s staff, consumers, and community as President. This is a period of big change, both at our organization and across the behavioral health landscape.
In the first quarter of this year, we faced a proposal from Congress to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act – legislation that has significantly expanded coverage and access to mental health care for millions of Americans. MHA-NYC joined a chorus of strong voices across the country calling on Congress to reject this step backward and, thankfully, we won the battle.
Of course, the fight is not over. As we move forward, there will be more battles and all of us together will need to diligently safeguard supports for those with mental health needs. In spite of the challenges, there is great promise for mental health, and I am as eager about the future as I am determined for MHA-NYC to impact it.
I am encouraged by the important, fresh perspectives the change around me is already bringing, and we have a foresightful strategic plan, approved by our Board, to help chart MHA-NYC’s course. We are planning to build both our infrastructure and our leadership to prepare for what lies ahead. Our objective: to stay ahead of the rate of change, transforming and innovating at a faster pace than ever before, so that MHA-NYC remains positioned to achieve our vision of making mental health care available to all who need it.
And, even as many things change, I know some things will remain constant. I am committed to making sure that the core values of MHA-NYC — values which inspired so many of us to be a part of this life-saving community – will not be diluted. I promise to keep the lines of communication open so that together we will share an understanding of our vision, challenges, direction and goals.
What’s in store for mental health care and for MHA-NYC are exciting to me as I hope they are to you. Thank you all for your support as we embark on the next leg of our journey together and for your continued commitment as we work to build MHA-NYC into the future.